Roulette is a game of pure chance, and barring exceptional circumstances, no strategy can overcome the built-in house percentage. Play your birthday, your anniversary, last week's winning lottery numbers -- in the long run, it makes no difference. Either you get lucky or you don't. For most players, roulette has no element of skill.
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That being said, rare exceptions do exist. Sometimes a bored longtime dealer gets in a groove and releases the ball at exactly the same angle and velocity nearly every time. A very small number of players can spot what numbers are passing as the dealer releases the ball. With that knowledge, they can predict at a better-than-chance rate approximately where the ball will fall. The player then either bets or signals a partner to bet accordingly.
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The second exception comes when the wheel itself shows a bias. Perhaps the wheel is off balance, or a slight track has been worn on the wood leading down to the numbers, or the metallic walls, or frets, between numbers are of slightly different heights or tensions. This is rare, for most casinos check the wheel carefully on a regular basis. And spotting a truly biased wheel means tracking play for thousands of spins -- the same number showing up three times in half a dozen spins does not mean the wheel is biased.
Many casinos now have an electronic display at roulette wheels showing the last 12 or 18 numbers. Some players like to play any number that shows up twice or more in that span -- or to bet the last several numbers that have come up -- in hopes that the wheel is biased. Others like to match the bets of any other player at the table who has been winning, hoping the other player has discovered a bias. Neither system is likely to pay off, but they're as good as any other system.
Betting Systems
Perhaps because roulette moves more slowly than other casino games, players seem more inclined to use betting systems, especially on even-money bets. In the long run, none of them helps. No betting system can change the game's percentages, and some systems can be financial disasters for the player. Here are a few that have persisted for decades.
Martingale: The player doubles his bet after each loss. When a win eventually comes, it leaves the player with a profit equal to his original bet. That is, if the player bets $5 on black and loses, he then bets $10; if that loses, he bets $20, and so on. A win at the $20 level overcomes the $5 and $10 losses and leaves the player with a $5 profit. The player then goes back to the original bet level.
This sounds good in theory -- keep betting until you win once, and you have a profit. In practice, you run into very large numbers very quickly, and run up against maximum bet limits. Staying with the $5 starting point, the fourth bet is $40, then $80, $160, $320. If the table maximum is $500, you're past it on the next bet -- after seven losses, you cannot bet the $640 necessary to wipe out the $635 in previous losses and start a new sequence.
Streaks of seven or more losses do happen about once in every 121 sequences, and you have no way to tell when a streak is going to happen. And on that eighth bet, the house still has a 5.26 percent edge, as it does on every spin. The wheel has no memory -- it does not know that seven consecutive red numbers have come up -- and the streak does not change the odds on the next spin. Besides that, having lost $635, do you really want to risk $640 more for a $5 profit?
Grand martingale: This is an even worse, even faster way to lose money. Instead of merely doubling the bet, after a loss the player doubles the bet and adds another unit. So if the starting unit is $5, the next bet is $15 ($5 doubled, plus another $5 unit), followed by $35, then $75, $155, and so on. The Grand Martingale player runs up against a $500 limit after only six losses, by which time he will have lost $600.
Cancellation: Not as dangerous as the Martingales, but no solution, either. The player starts with a number or series of numbers and bets the total on either end. If he wins, he crosses off -- cancels -- the numbers just played. If he loses, he adds the total just played to the end of the series. When all numbers have been canceled, the result is a profit equal to the sum of the original numbers.
For example, let's say our $5 bettor starts with the series 2-3 for the $5 starting point. If he wins, he has a $5 profit and starts a new series. If he loses, the series becomes 2-3-5, and the next bet is $7 -- the sum of the numbers on either end. A win at $7 would cancel the 2 and the 5, leaving $3 as the next bet. A win at $3 completes the $5 profit.
All very tidy, but a perfectly ordinary sequence such as a loss, a win, two losses, a win, three losses brings the sequence to 3-3-6-9, with a $12 bet on the line and two wins needed to close out the sequence. The cancellation player doesn't run into the huge sums of money a Martingale player must bet, but can wind up making bets considerably larger than the starting point and running up losses.
Roulette looks like an easy game to try because it relies solely on chance. But the real skill comes in knowing how to bet before the wheel stops.
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The goal of roulette tournaments
Roulette tournaments are meant to reward initiative, competitiveness and strategic thinking. What is more, to astute players such events are another source to bolster their bankroll. It is why experienced players do not just rely on luck at tournaments. Instead, they always attempt to utilize one or several advanced playing strategies.
Despite that, traditionally, the game of roulette is played against the casino, roulette tournaments emphasize on competition between participants. In case one plays roulette against the house, his/her objective is to earn money during every single round he/she bets on, so that at the end of the play session his/her gains surpass his/her losses. Or, the player strives to achieve a positive balance in comparison with the amount he/she invested.
When participating in a tournament, however, that is not exactly the case. Every tournament is comprised by a predetermined number of rounds, while every participant in it is provided with a stack of chips and needs to conform to preset time or spin limits. The ultimate objective of a tournament player is to amass as many chips as possible during each round and, at the end of the event, to be the person in possession of the greatest stack of chips.
How tournaments are organized
In order to sign up for a particular event, one needs to check a list of all tournaments in a tournament lobby, which will be available ahead of time. This way he/she will be able to select the event, which best suits his/her budget. When joining a particular tournament, apart from the entry fee, every player needs to take into account the payout structure offered by that event. In many cases tournaments are held in a winner-takes-all format. Other events usually provide awards to participants who qualified on top positions, or these tournaments make use of a tiered structure. Regardless of that tournaments have a different format compared to ordinary game of roulette, table minimums and table maximums usually conform to the rules of the traditional game.
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In the past few years roulette tournaments, which are held in online environment, caught the attention of players on a global scale. At times, events promoted by different online casinos may have a bit different structure, but in the common case, a similar structure is followed, which requires a buy-in fee, so that one can take part in the particular event. Every tournament is usually set to last for a predetermined amount of time.
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Such an event may last for a week, while all participants are to play on a daily basis. On the other hand, such an event may last for a month and participants are to play one or two times each week.Is There Any Skill To Roulette 2
At the beginning of the event, all participants will be provided with one and the same amount of chips. In some cases this amount may be arbitrary and none of the players will be able to cash his/her chips, as the tournament develops. Other casinos may organize their tournaments in another way – the value of all chips a player receives will correspond to the buy-in fee, while every participant is to freely decide when to stop playing and cash his/her chips. He/she is able to do that at any stage of the event.
At some online casinos, tournaments feature a number of rounds, while only players who qualify on top positions during the prior round can advance to the next one, until a handful of players manage to reach the tournament final. Other casinos may organize their events in a way, so that all players can take part in several rounds, while only the top qualifiers can participate in the final round.
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All contenders are provided with a certain amount of playing time in every round. This way competition on an uneven basis is avoided, which means that no participant will have a longer time to play and, respectively, amass a larger amount of chips.
In order to keep track of his/her ranking in the tournament, a player will usually have access to a leader board. At some online casinos such a leader board will be featured in the casino software they provide, while at others – it will be shown on their own website.
How to deal with the competition
In order to accumulate the largest amount of chips, a player needs to use a variety of bet types and bet sizes at key stages of the event. A key moment, when one creates a strategy for the tournament, is to track the chip count of other participants on each ball spin. Once a player is well aware of what his/her chips look like compared to those of other contenders, he/she may use different bet sizes, depending on the size of his/her stack.
Roulette Tournaments
Roulette Myths
Roulette Etiquette
How to Rig a Roulette Wheel
European Roulette
In case the player has a lead, then it may be more logical if he/she continues with small wagers, while the competition attempts to cut short the distance. On the other hand, if the player falls behind in his/her chips, he/she may prefer to bet as much as he/she can afford.
According to some experts, if one is to take the lead at online roulette tournaments, he/she needs to concentrate his/her efforts on outside bets (combining column bets, dozens and bets on even/odd numbers). Others propose a different opinion – to claim the lead, a player needs to place several large-sized inside bets and to hope that one of them will provide a flabbergasting 35 to 1 payoff.
We should stress that the type of bets, which a player uses, depends solely on how the event is structured. In case the tournament he/she attends has a predetermined number of spins in every round, the player will probably be urged to bet more aggressively. If the tournament features a certain time limit, during which the player is able to participate in as many or as few ball spins as he/she desires, then perhaps, he/she will prefer to use a more conservative approach.
It is also worth noting that cheating will not work at online events.
In conclusion, in order to emerge as a winner in a roulette tournament, one needs to use a strategic approach instead of luck, to be flexible and adapt to changes and, last but not least, to outmaneuver other competitors. If one manages to best the competition with a skill-based moves and cunning decisions, then a game of chance, such as roulette, may turn into an excellent way to bolster his/her bankroll.